Accueil > Pre-booking ULTIME WESTERN 2010

How to join the incredible LARP ULTIME WESTERN 2010 organized by Don Quichotte

Le LARP Ultime Western II will take place in  Tabernas (SP), on the legendary movie set of TEXAS HOLLYWOOD studios. It will be held on fall 2010, between end of september and end of October - the definitive dates will be defined later, however it shall have around 5 days duration.

In order to correctly organize this event, you are asked to pre-book as this LARP shall be of limited availability. Your booking shall be confirmed approximatly 5 months before the definitive date.

This pre-booking will help us to determine and negociate with the studios for llodging, food, and all others accomodations.

Why you should pre-book ?

The pre-booking allows you to be on priority information and gives you priority access to available roles. Your pre-booking will be confirmed upon receival of payment of a part of the cost (€30). If you do not confirm, your pre-booking will be given to people in the waiting list. You can already send your participation - details here

To book in your language - Pour réserver dans votre langue: choose your flag !

Your booking for LARP ULTIME WESTERN 2010

Name (*) : 
First name (*) : 
Email (*) : 
Birth date (*) : 
Citizenship (*) : 
Country (*) : 
City (*) : 
Member LARP organization : 
I speak spanish (*) : 
I wanna be informed of transport solutions : 
I will make my way to the LARP : 
I have my own car : 
I can take folks in ! : 
if YES, I can take : 
Medical problems... (*) : 
Interested by horse session : 
Wish to help DonQuichotte organization team : 
Have medical skills (*) :