Accueil > Description of the Ultime Western 2010 LARP

Organisation and presentation of the Ultime Western 2010 LARP

As you may know, our association Don Quichotte has previously released its first edition of its Ultime Western LARP in october 2008. Through this experience, we have discovered an incredible location, wonderfull people, movie set and script opportunities given by this extraordinary place. We propose you to join us for this second opus !

Presentation of the Ultime Western 2010 LARP

Ultime Western is a Live action role playing game (LARP). This game will take place in the Fictitious universe of 2 little frontier towns of the New Mexico territory at the end of the XIXth century.  Hood City on the US side, Paso del Loco on the Mexican side.

Action will be taking place in 1862 (so before the action period of the last edition - for those who where there !), and you can discover the historical aspects of the LARP era ici !

The place we will play in is located south of Spain, near Tabernas village. The place is called Texas Hollywood, 5mn from Tabernas on the gates of the desert.

Organisation: Number of players and Pre-booking

For organization purposes, support to the ORGA team, logistic, we forecast a limited number of players. This number is currently set to 50 players. We might level up this number a little in the coming months depending of the global interest of everyone, the extra accomodations... No cowboy spit on a good bed anyway !

Pre-booking is now open on the base of 50 players: so let's book NOW !

Organisation: dates and schedule

By this time, the exact dates haven't been clearly set. However, the game will take place between end of september and end of october 2010. This time schedule is attractive because of the lower heat (between 23 and 30°) and a limited risk of tourists encounters. More over, it shall be easier to negociate the site off season.

The definitive choice of dates will be communicate 6 months in advance for everyone to organize its trip.

The LARP will last 4 full days.
You need to plan 2 days round trip and certainly an extra day for rest and/or visits.. So the best is to plan a full week as a vacation.

Organisation: accomodations during the game

You will be host on the game site in wooden cabins. Those cabins are fully comfortables (real beds, warm showers, ...).

If you don't like that... Sherif will lead the way to its Jail (less nice...).

For food (breakfast, lunch and diner), they will be served in the restauration facility (behind the BIG Hood City saloon ! Food are simple but enough. On the site they are used to receive complete movie team. Drinks (saloon and restaurant) are not included yet. However, we will try to deal an openbar situation...

Ach ! le petit déj'

Organisation: How to get there !

C'mon ! Tabernas isn't that far ! For the 2008 Edition, some took a flight (from Paris or Dublin), some others drove there and our President came from Brittany by motocycle ! What about that !!! Huh ?

Anyway, for the 2010 Edition and regarding the number of places, we will support you folks and help for the organization of transports. Cars, bus,... Whatever. So keep posted.

Organisation: LARP price and estimated costs

The LARP Price (paid to Don Quichotte association) is set to €80 per person. On that amount, €30 will be necessary for your pre-booking. The rest will be send to us 2 months before the game - at the latest.

For the rest of the budget, you shall envisage the following budgets:

- The Price per day (per person) on the site including (lodging and accomodations): for your information, in 2008 we paid €50 per day.
- Your transport cost or share, eventually extras (night out, bar,....)

Like in 2008, our goal is to do a global negociation with the site people and reach the best deal for all ! Price per day doesn't go to us but directly ro the site. We don't get any money for our association on that.

Complementary information: game ules & on site information

Les consignes et informations précieuses pour le bon déroulement du GN se trouvent ICI